Source code for deepke.attribution_extraction.standard.utils.nnUtils

import torch
import random
import logging
import numpy as np
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, Union

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = [

[docs]def manual_seed(seed: int = 1) -> None: """ 设置seed。 """ random.seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed(seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) #if torch.cuda.CUDA_ENABLED and use_deterministic_cudnn: torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False
[docs]def seq_len_to_mask(seq_len: Union[List, np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], max_len=None, mask_pos_to_true=True): """ 将一个表示sequence length的一维数组转换为二维的mask,默认pad的位置为1。 转变 1-d seq_len到2-d mask。 Args : seq_len (list, np.ndarray, torch.LongTensor) : shape将是(B,) max_len (int): 将长度pad到这个长度。默认(None)使用的是seq_len中最长的长度。但在nn.DataParallel的场景下可能不同卡的seq_len会有区别,所以需要传入一个max_len使得mask的长度是pad到该长度。 Return: mask (np.ndarray, torch.Tensor) : shape将是(B, max_length), 元素类似为bool或torch.uint8 """ if isinstance(seq_len, list): seq_len = np.array(seq_len) if isinstance(seq_len, np.ndarray): seq_len = torch.from_numpy(seq_len) if isinstance(seq_len, torch.Tensor): assert seq_len.dim() == 1, logger.error(f"seq_len can only have one dimension, got {seq_len.dim()} != 1.") batch_size = seq_len.size(0) max_len = int(max_len) if max_len else seq_len.max().long() broad_cast_seq_len = torch.arange(max_len).expand(batch_size, -1).to(seq_len.device) if mask_pos_to_true: mask = else: mask = else: raise logger.error("Only support 1-d list or 1-d numpy.ndarray or 1-d torch.Tensor.") return mask
[docs]def to_one_hot(x: torch.Tensor, length: int) -> torch.Tensor: """ Args: x (torch.Tensor):[B] , 一般是 target 的值 length (int) : L ,一般是关系种类树 Return: (torch.Tensor) : [B, L] 每一行,只有对应位置为1,其余为0 """ B = x.size(0) x_one_hot = torch.zeros(B, length) for i in range(B): x_one_hot[i, x[i]] = 1.0 return