Source code for deepke.relation_extraction.document.model

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from opt_einsum import contract
from .losses import ATLoss
import torch.nn.functional as F
from .module import AttentionUNet
from .prepro import process_long_input

[docs]class DocREModel(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config, args, model, emb_size=768, block_size=64, num_labels=-1): super().__init__() self.config = config self.bert_model = model self.hidden_size = config.hidden_size self.loss_fnt = ATLoss() self.head_extractor = nn.Linear(1 * config.hidden_size + args.unet_out_dim, emb_size) self.tail_extractor = nn.Linear(1 * config.hidden_size + args.unet_out_dim, emb_size) # self.head_extractor = nn.Linear(1 * config.hidden_size , emb_size) # self.tail_extractor = nn.Linear(1 * config.hidden_size , emb_size) self.bilinear = nn.Linear(emb_size * block_size, config.num_labels) self.emb_size = emb_size self.block_size = block_size self.num_labels = num_labels self.bertdrop = nn.Dropout(0.6) self.unet_in_dim = args.unet_in_dim self.unet_out_dim = args.unet_in_dim self.liner = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, args.unet_in_dim) self.min_height = args.max_height self.channel_type = args.channel_type self.segmentation_net = AttentionUNet(input_channels=args.unet_in_dim, class_number=args.unet_out_dim, down_channel=args.down_dim)
[docs] def encode(self, input_ids, attention_mask,entity_pos): config = self.config if config.transformer_type == "bert": start_tokens = [config.cls_token_id] end_tokens = [config.sep_token_id] elif config.transformer_type == "roberta": start_tokens = [config.cls_token_id] end_tokens = [config.sep_token_id, config.sep_token_id] sequence_output, attention = process_long_input(self.bert_model, input_ids, attention_mask, start_tokens, end_tokens) return sequence_output, attention
[docs] def get_hrt(self, sequence_output, attention, entity_pos, hts): offset = 1 if self.config.transformer_type in ["bert", "roberta"] else 0 bs, h, _, c = attention.size() # ne = max([len(x) for x in entity_pos]) # 本次bs中的最大实体数 hss, tss, rss = [], [], [] entity_es = [] entity_as = [] for i in range(len(entity_pos)): entity_embs, entity_atts = [], [] for entity_num, e in enumerate(entity_pos[i]): if len(e) > 1: e_emb, e_att = [], [] for start, end in e: if start + offset < c: # In case the entity mention is truncated due to limited max seq length. e_emb.append(sequence_output[i, start + offset]) e_att.append(attention[i, :, start + offset]) if len(e_emb) > 0: e_emb = torch.logsumexp(torch.stack(e_emb, dim=0), dim=0) e_att = torch.stack(e_att, dim=0).mean(0) else: e_emb = torch.zeros(self.config.hidden_size).to(sequence_output) e_att = torch.zeros(h, c).to(attention) else: start, end = e[0] if start + offset < c: e_emb = sequence_output[i, start + offset] e_att = attention[i, :, start + offset] else: e_emb = torch.zeros(self.config.hidden_size).to(sequence_output) e_att = torch.zeros(h, c).to(attention) entity_embs.append(e_emb) entity_atts.append(e_att) for _ in range(self.min_height-entity_num-1): entity_atts.append(e_att) entity_embs = torch.stack(entity_embs, dim=0) # [n_e, d] entity_atts = torch.stack(entity_atts, dim=0) # [n_e, h, seq_len] entity_es.append(entity_embs) entity_as.append(entity_atts) ht_i = torch.LongTensor(hts[i]).to(sequence_output.device) hs = torch.index_select(entity_embs, 0, ht_i[:, 0]) ts = torch.index_select(entity_embs, 0, ht_i[:, 1]) hss.append(hs) tss.append(ts) hss =, dim=0) tss =, dim=0) return hss, tss, entity_es, entity_as
[docs] def get_mask(self, ents, bs, ne, run_device): ent_mask = torch.zeros(bs, ne, device=run_device) rel_mask = torch.zeros(bs, ne, ne, device=run_device) for _b in range(bs): ent_mask[_b, :len(ents[_b])] = 1 rel_mask[_b, :len(ents[_b]), :len(ents[_b])] = 1 return ent_mask, rel_mask
[docs] def get_ht(self, rel_enco, hts): htss = [] for i in range(len(hts)): ht_index = hts[i] for (h_index, t_index) in ht_index: htss.append(rel_enco[i,h_index,t_index]) htss = torch.stack(htss,dim=0) return htss
[docs] def get_channel_map(self, sequence_output, entity_as): # sequence_output ='cpu') # attention ='cpu') bs,_,d = sequence_output.size() # ne = max([len(x) for x in entity_as]) # 本次bs中的最大实体数 ne = self.min_height index_pair = [] for i in range(ne): tmp =, 1), dtype=int) * i, torch.arange(0, ne).unsqueeze(1)), dim=-1) index_pair.append(tmp) index_pair = torch.stack(index_pair, dim=0).reshape(-1, 2).to(sequence_output.device) map_rss = [] for b in range(bs): entity_atts = entity_as[b] h_att = torch.index_select(entity_atts, 0, index_pair[:, 0]) t_att = torch.index_select(entity_atts, 0, index_pair[:, 1]) ht_att = (h_att * t_att).mean(1) ht_att = ht_att / (ht_att.sum(1, keepdim=True) + 1e-5) rs = contract("ld,rl->rd", sequence_output[b], ht_att) map_rss.append(rs) map_rss =, dim=0).reshape(bs, ne, ne, d) return map_rss
[docs] def forward(self, input_ids=None, attention_mask=None, labels=None, entity_pos=None, hts=None, instance_mask=None, ): sequence_output, attention = self.encode(input_ids, attention_mask,entity_pos) bs, sequen_len, d = sequence_output.shape run_device = sequence_output.device.index ne = max([len(x) for x in entity_pos]) # 本次bs中的最大实体数 ent_mask, rel_mask = self.get_mask(entity_pos, bs, ne, run_device) # get hs, ts and entity_embs >> entity_rs hs, ts, entity_embs, entity_as = self.get_hrt(sequence_output, attention, entity_pos, hts) if self.channel_type == 'context-based': feature_map = self.get_channel_map(sequence_output, entity_as) ##print('feature_map:', feature_map.shape) attn_input = self.liner(feature_map).permute(0, 3, 1, 2).contiguous() else: raise Exception("channel_type must be specify correctly") attn_map = self.segmentation_net(attn_input) h_t = self.get_ht (attn_map, hts) hs = torch.tanh(self.head_extractor([hs, h_t], dim=1))) ts = torch.tanh(self.tail_extractor([ts, h_t], dim=1))) b1 = hs.view(-1, self.emb_size // self.block_size, self.block_size) b2 = ts.view(-1, self.emb_size // self.block_size, self.block_size) bl = (b1.unsqueeze(3) * b2.unsqueeze(2)).view(-1, self.emb_size * self.block_size) logits = self.bilinear(bl) output = (self.loss_fnt.get_label(logits, num_labels=self.num_labels)) if labels is not None: labels = [torch.tensor(label) for label in labels] labels =, dim=0).to(logits) loss = self.loss_fnt(logits.float(), labels.float()) output = (, output) return output